About Me
Everything starts as an idea, a story or an experience we have. My story starts in Alexandria, Egypt in 1996 when my family won the lottery for an opportunity to come to America. My parents wanted to give us ‘The American Dream’ so they sacrificed everything to give us a world of possibilities. It’s because of my parents idea to apply for a once in a million lottery, the story of a family moving across the globe to the unknown with only $200, and the experience of a lifetime chasing dreams and opportunities.
I have always been known to be full of faith and favor. As an Egyptian native raised in the South, I was taught to go after the change I wish to see in this world. My goal is to disrupt the entertainment industry by providing a clear and organized creative strategy that forces people to think differently. It stems from my passion of storytelling. The power comes from who tells the best stories in the most relatable way.
Since I can remember, I have expressed my stories through content production. From my diary as a child, my art pieces as an adolescent, my canvas painting as a teenager and my full business plans as a college student, sharing stories has always been a part of me. I believe all our stories are meant to be shared and how we put it all together is what connects us.
I display a high energy factor and I’m optimistic about the results I can achieve. The word "can't" is not in my vocabulary. I embrace visions not always seen by others. My creative mind allows me to see the "big picture” that isn’t even there. Having the ability to see the big picture as well as the small pieces of the puzzle is my expertise. That’s where businesses start. Let me help you tell your story and bring your vision to life.
- Love Always,
Gina G.
As a consultant, I take on many roles. To name a few...